
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I May have Lost my MoJo

Hi Everyone

In the interest of keeping it real, I just have to say that I am discouraged. Actually, that is putting it mildly, but lets just stick with that .
The reason? There are several...just stuff that's just not working out the way I had hoped. Feeling overwhelmed with homeschool and housework, irritated with my weight and with losing the same 40 lbs over and over again ....
And now I seem to have lost my mojo with the furniture painting.

Remember I mentioned the chairs from hell almost two weeks ago?
Well, they are the reason I have not posted in more than a week. I have been trying to get them done, but it was a huge waste of time and Effort, with a capital E.

OK, so let me show you again...
Got these for $6.00 a piece at Goodwill a while back.

 I honestly thought that it would be easy to make them pretty again....I had big dreams for them......

Untill I got here.....

Two million staples (honest, I counted), and two whole days later, the chairs were stripped, sanded and primed.

I then sprayed them with Krylon mat black.

Next followed a series of distress, don't like it, re-paint, sand,distress, try to wipe stain over, don't like it, spray paint black again, dry brush with white, re-spray again.
Its a good thing I don't really like the end result, because I would never be able to recreate the effect ever again.

Are you depressed yet? Don't worry, you will be after I tell you about my attempts to re-cover (I would not call in re-upholstering) the back and seat.

Actually, the seat went really well..

I just took the ugly green vinyl off and stapled the new fabric on at the back. 

The back of the chair was another story altogether. I will not bore you with how many times I had to cut, staple and tack fabric to it...
Lets just say it was a lot.
I have a new respect for people who upholster furniture now.

Here is the end result...

Don't look too closely....

Now I still have to do the other chair..
Wonder if I should bother?

Hope you all had a better week than I had!


I am joining these parties:

Show and Tell Green

Make it Yours @ My Backyard Eden


  1. Well, I think it looks cute but if you heart isn't in it, don't bother. Drop it off at the local goodwill store, it will be a load off your mind. I have been there, done that, and seriously, cutting your losses is the best move when this happens. You will soon find a piece that you feel excited about and the passion will come to the surface again :)

    xx Karen

  2. If they stress you this much...get rid of them...that much stress is not worth the effort...go on to another project...Your time is too valuable to waste!!!

    Give them away or throw them away and you will be much happier!!!
    Have a wonderful week and feel better!!!

  3. I think it looks beautiful! I can tell it totally stressed you out...I hate it when projects stress me out :( This is supposed to be fun, right!? Maybe the next one will be easlier because you would have learned what not to do...?! Have a better day!!

  4. I am sure we can all relate to how you are feeling right now, I know I can. If it is any consolation, I think the chair looks great. The color and fabric are perfect for each other. If you are totally sick of these chairs just say to yourself that you paid $12 for the one {still a good deal} and get rid of the other.Or maybe just set it aside for awhile.Maybe you could do the other one different if you are worried about matching them. So sorry you are having a bad week! The sun's coming out tomorrow!!!

  5. I must tell you, you and your site have inspired me to re-create old pieces. I have about 5 chairs in my basement waiting for time (and guts) to get them done. GReat job, Keep it up!

  6. So believe in letting go of something that brings you stress. Anytime I bring something in this house and I feel off about it, I have learned it has to go. {still impressed as I could never pull of that re-do}!

  7. I think it looks great! I love the fabric.

  8. Um if this is your bad day, you have got something going for you! The fact that you could work past all that frustration is amazing! I would keep it as a trophy for all your hard work and determination!

  9. For all your hard work I am now a follower!

  10. Well despite your frustration it turned out beautifully! I just did my first chair two weeks ago and I feel you on the two million staples! OMG who knew the chair I picked came strait from the staple nazzi! Feel free to check out my beast of a chair if you wish =)

  11. I LOOOVE it!! You did an amazing job! These would be soooo cute in my bedroom. ;)

  12. I think the chair looks great! Love the fabric! But I'm sorry to hear how much stress it caused. Can you just live with 1 chair and get rid of the other? *hugs*

  13. That chair looks great! You're being too hard on the cute little thing but now it needs a friend. I'm thinking....a twin!

  14. Just checking out your chairs. From where I'm sitting I think you did a great job. Wish I had some of your ambition though. lol


  15. I like the chair (and I'm not a fan of patterend fabric on chairs)! Alpha Hubby's take is that if you don't point it out, most people don't pay enough attention to see anything wrong with something! BUT like other people said - if you don't like it or it wasn't worth the trouble - move on and find another project that will bring you peace! You've inspired me enough to do all sorts of things around here since I found your site.

  16. I feel ya! I am trying to sell my house right now and find a new one and in the mean time paint furniture and be a mommy.

    Your chair turned out beautiful! I love it very much!!

  17. Well I am here to tell ya that it looks great. I think you have become critical of your own work,as forrest gump said "it happens". I think that if you went with your first try, recovered it and lived with it, it wouldn't have looked so bad to you. I am sure you were the only one who didn't like the earlier attemps.
    and that 40 lbs it has been following me around for years. Don't beat yourself up over it.
    (like I do) life is short.


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