
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bathroom Improvisations

Hi There!

I thought I would show you some  improvisations in my bathroom today.This is very brave of me, since these poor walls have not even seen a lick of colorful paint yet...
    I can't even say that bathroom  is  a work in progress.  There's not much going on right now but there are a few clever (in my book, anyway)  ideas that I can share with you.

A year or so ago I got this plate stand at Goodwill. I liked it because it was different from the regular tiered stands, and would work perfectly for what I had in mind.

I also had three of these plates, with different designs of shoes on them.

Put together, they made a wonderful catch-all for perfumes, and jewelry.

Another temporary "fix" was this:

Before I learned about the cheap and easy way to frame these huge builder grade mirrors , I just hung a big picture on the mirror to break up the "vastness" of it.
Since this was a do-it -yourself-in-5-minutes kind of a job, and I was neither equipped nor inclined to drill holes in the mirror,
I hung it from a hook on the wall, with a black chain that used to belong to a light fitting.

I really liked it, but now that I know how to, I am soon framing this mirror out too.

Oh, and PS, did you notice the quilt hanger in the reflection?
It will also someday get a makeover, since it is serving as my towel rail now. I'm seeing some ORB in its future.

OK, then! Do you have any such improvisations that you can tell me about?

You know I love hearing from you!


I am joining these parties:

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

BWS tips button


  1. I love this! So girly and sophisticated! Great :)

    By the way...if you have a minute, I'm having a give-away! Come check it out...

  2. kisses and nice weekend.

    Zondra Art

  3. Wow, great job. What a great idea with the plate holder. Now I want to go out and look for one like

  4. great idea, just found your blog, now i'm a follower

  5. I love what you did in your bathroom! You really have a talent for seeing the potential in everyday things. I love the picture in the middle of the mirror! So smart~

  6. Oh my - I've never seen a plate stand like that! I love it and the too cool bathroom!

  7. Hey, that looks really good! Just what I like, a pretty way to hold all my stuff...

  8. Love the plate holder and the picture in the middle of your mirror.

  9. Wow! Not only amazing looking, we have the same taste in cologne! I am a cologne junky. I had to have help for the addiction (i.e., cut myself off from ebay). I love that idea - the plate stand in the bathroom! I loved those plates, too. I am glad you commented so I could find you - this site rocks!!

  10. Love Love Love your bathroom ideas! Thank you for your tips!


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