
Thursday, September 30, 2010

There Once was an Ugly Brass Light

Happy Friday, Everyone!!!!

  Hope yours is great, and filled with creative moments.

OK, so , a few months ago I did not even know a word like  "cloche" , and now I'm making them out of light fittings?       WHAT NEXT, PEOPLE???!!! 
All I can say is..... ya'll inspire me.


I found this old brass light at Goodwill, of course (we don't have any other cool thrift stores close by), and turned it into this.....


And now I have to say I'm sorry once again, because I forgot to take pictures of the "during".
Hey! At least I got the "before" and "after"!

Truth be told, there are not that many steps anyway.

I pulled all the electrical stuff out...basically the whole "light" part. Took the chain off, and was left with just the glass shade. I  used the brass ceiling medallion and other fittings and stacked them to sort of make a "handle" on top.
Then I just taped the glass with painter's tape, sprayed with ORB (Oil Rubbed Bronze) and that's it!
           A Cloche!....Sort of....

 Now that I see the pictures, I realize that extra piece of bolt inside is more visible than I thought.        Wonderhusband says he will help me get rid of it.

 Filling the cloche was more of a challenge than making it... I finally just collected all the decorating balls I had and stuffed them in  there. That will have to do for now until inspiration strikes again. (Read:  until I can copy one of your pretty ideas.)

On the table with some other Fall stuff.

The "throw" is a pillow sham from Goodwill btw. I think it is so pretty!

Do you remember my lamp shade redo ? last look.

What do you think? I know that at least a few of you have done this too, so tell me about it.
What did you do with the extra the bolt that is now sticking out like a sore thumb?

You know I love your comments!


Joining these parties:

Frugaliscious Friday at Finding Fabulous
Show and tell Friday at My Romantic Home

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. love your new cloche! I have got to try this sometime! I see these lights at yard sales or Goodwill all the time, but I always pass them over cause I hate brass! Guess I need to think outside the box a little more. Thanks for the inspiration! Oh, I'm visiting from Frugalicious Fridays!

  2. Wow Suzanne! I love it.You did a wonderful job.

  3. I absolutely love your "cloche". I think it is fabulous. That is really creative. I have seen a lot of things made into cloches, but I havn't seen this one and I love the idea. Now you are all ready for our Christmas Cloche Party. Hugs, Marty

  4. How Fabulous! I love love love it!! I can see my wine cork collection in there... I have my collection in a big hurricane vase, but think it would look just as wonderful in something like this :) Thanks for the idea! I am so glad I found your blog... TGIF

  5. Holy cow I just saw one of these ugly lights the other day...dang it....look how cool it is. You did a great job, and really shows creative thinking on your part. Thanks for joining me this week, always a pleasure to have ya!

  6. What a great idea! If you filled it to the top no one would see that little tiny bolt. :-)

  7. I love that strangers can inspiration from each other through blogging!! I'm totally going to copy you on this one! I have that VERY UGLY light hanging in my entry way. I'm so glad it hasn't come down yet because it would have gone straight to the garbage....not even DI. That's how much I HATE it!!! Thanks for the post!

  8. How come when someone else does these things, it looks good, when I do it, its crap! Crap!
    Ha, ha, Ow well! I love it and you did a great job making it look nice!
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Looks super awesome! I love the colors and the balance and scale of it all together!

  10. What a cool cloche idea! I'm sure Marty has a holiday party coming up... you're ready-have fun:@)

  11. Suzanne, this is an awesome project! I see these all the time at sales and never look twice.You know they say imitation is the greatest form of flattery? I say that because I am going to copy his one ( all credit to you of cours!)~
    P.S. Its a good thing you don't live next door to me, we would be having too much fun to ever get anything done! LOL

  12. Now that's cool! Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my blog!

    Punkin Seed Productions

  13. I love it so much! I have been looking for a cloche to finish up...yours looks beautiful! :)

    PS...visiting from It's so Very Cheri!

  14. What a great idea! We found one of these at the thrift store and sprayed it with oil rubbed bronze-lookalike paint. It looks great hanging above the stairs :)

    If you get a chance, I'd love for you to link this to Not "Baaad" Sundays with LambAround (it will be up until tomorrow night)

  15. I really love it as a cloche...would make a great Victorian style terrarium too.

  16. I like it!! I didn't even notice the bolt until you pointed it out! This is SO creative!

  17. I LOVE this idea, and I might try it out sometime soon. I'm a little new to the Cottage/Shabby/Junk Decor Scene (online that is, i grew up with it lol!) and this is one of the great new ideas I've come across. I love the little Decorator Balls too. That Light Teal/Aqua one is calling me!

    Take care, oh, and Following you via GoogleConnect.

  18. What a great idea.

    Thanks for the visit, and the follow. Now I'm following you too.

    I can't wait to see what else you come up with.

  19. suzaan - hoop jy kry hierdie comment. jy is soooo kreatief. jou goed is pragtig en ek is mal oor jou blog.

  20. thats a cute idea. i wonder how a candle would look inside. ive seen these at the thift store never thought of using them for anything but a light.
    going to have to get one...


I love reading your comments!!!