
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Hi There!
Well, its about time I share the long promised "Breakfast at Tiffany's" dresser...
I saw the little dresser at Goodwill one day, and fell in love with the shape. I knew exactly what I was going to do with it! There was just one smelly smelled bad! Really bad. I don't know if it was just smoke, or a combination of dampness and smoke, but that smell would not leave...
I took out all the drawers, sprayed it with bleach water, left it in the sun for more than a month, but no improvement. I tried baking soda, vanilla essence, more bleach, more sun, more spraying with the hose...still stank to high heaven.
So, I decided to just try Kilz primer...painted on, not sprayed. It worked! Not a smell ... yay for Kilz!!!
Ater priming, I painted with a sort of seafoam blue I had, and then used my projector to project an image of Audrey Hepburn onto it. The rest was filled in with small brushes and black and grey paint..

Ta Da!!!!

I love love love this look! But I have a confession to make...
It was not my original idea ...I stole this from Deneen at Dreaming in Color . Only she is a real artist, and did not need a projector.
But ever since I saw her sweet little dresser, I knew I wanted to do something like it.
She is very talented, and her blog is choc full of inspiration. Go stop by her blog and tell her I sent you...     ;-)

Do you want to have another look?

 The rounded corners looked sort of retro to me...

 I lined the drawers with wall paper I had.

Hope you liked it!
Happy Thrifting!


Linking up with:
Metamorphosis Monday" title="DIY Show Off">
" alt="DIY Show Off" style="border:none;" />Read more at Keeping It Simple



  1. Well I had to take a double take! You did a good job knocking off my dresser. Thanks for mentioning me. Here is the direct link to the dresser

  2. Your dresser looks just beautiful, Suzanne. I like how you used the grey along with the black.

  3. That dresser is awesome! I want to hug it...does that make me weird?!

  4. O my goodness! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOve it! Huge Audrey Hepburn fan! Great job! :)

  5. Saw your feature over at BeColorful and just had to tell you how fab I think this piece is!


  6. This dresser is spectacular. I love this idea. So wonderful. You did such a great job!!!

  7. I love, love, love it too!!! Seriously adorable with the Audrey touch! I can't imagine a more perfect dresser and thanks for the tip on how to get rid of a bad smell :)


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