
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Pop Art Side Table

This is a time for celebrating...whether you are religious or not. Most of us associate the Holidays with seeing loved ones, families getting together, having fun, making memories, etc etc. Why then, is everybody so miserable and impatient and stressed out? Isn't this supposed to be a happy time?

I have a theory about that. What makes us miserable this time of year, is expectations. We are told by the media that this time should be and look a certain way. Happy families smiling in the warm glow of crackling fires, perfect little children with cute outfits playing sweetly together, the smell of good food wafting in from the kitchen, loads of presents under a perfectly decorated tree.....
The truth is that most of our realities are very different from that. And so we start to strive for that picture perfect Christmas .. And if we fail, we strive harder, and become unhappy and stressed out. And what was supposed to be a festive time, becomes the time of year with the highest suicide rate, stress and huge credit card bills.
Maybe we should just relax, and appreciate our own reality for what it is.See the blessings in the little things. Appreciate the people that are with us, instead of being resentful for the one's that are not.
 Maybe we can even reach out and be a blessing to someone else....
Maybe this is my advice to myself, since Christmas started to become such a burden  having to spend it without family since my husband and I moved to the US 10 years ago....
Maybe I will take my own advice and just be happy  this Christmas.

ALRIGHTY THEN!  Enough talking...

Check out this ultra cool little side table I painted a while back. I am sooo stoked about it.  I loved doing it so much, I just want to make more. Even though it's not selling. Go figure. Probably not everyone's cup of tea.

My friend bought me this at a garage sale for $3

I painted the body black, and did this Roy Lichtenstein pop art on the front.
I used my trusted projector to do the drawing.
I googled the image. Funny how I always think I have an original idea, but when I start to google it, I discover that some one else has done it already! I found a lot of cool pop art furniture online.

At first I was thinking of putting something humorous in the thought bubble.
Something like: " I wanted Chick-A_Fillet, but it's Sunday..." 
or any of those First World Problems, but I eventually just went with the original saying, which was:" that's the way it was supposed to happen, but now its hopeless!"
Unfortunately I did not take another pic after I wrote the quote in, before I took the table to the consignment store. 
So, there it is! Hope you love it as much as I do!
Happy Thrifting and (Truly) Happy Christmas !
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  1. That is really cool, and very original! I'm with you on the Christmas realities. Christmas is a difficult time for me.

  2. What a fun "take" on a piece of furniture. I know that this is a hard time for a lot of people. It is a sad time for many. xo Diana

  3. You did an incredible job. It is definitely a WOW piece!

  4. I love Pop Art! One of my favorite areas to study back in college =) I’d love it if you’d share this at my linky party!

  5. Flipping A-M-azing! You and I are kindred spirits (just in case you didn't know) come check out my blog and you'll see! Just beautiful work really!


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